
Visits to private collections and museums brought numerous, unforgettable encounters with the masterpieces created by Bressan, Denner, Stanesby, etc.

This was accompanied by research and studies in museums in Basle, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna, Paris, The Hague, London and Oxford to build up a thorough knowledge of recorders of the 17th and 18th centuries.

1972: First models of my own (early baroque soprano in c“ and sixth flute in d“).

From 1975 copies of numerous original instruments.

Among the alto recorders alone, I have produced 13 copies of originals by Aardenberg, Bressan (2), I. Denner, van Heerde, Rottenburgh, Schell, Stanesby Jr (3), Stanesby Sr (2) and Terton.

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